Facilities » Facilities Safety Committee

Facilities Safety Committee

A school district facilities safety committee serves as a crucial component in ensuring the well-being and security of students, staff, and visitors within educational institutions. The need for such a committee arises from the increasingly complex challenges faced by schools in today's world. The committee's primary objective is to proactively identify, evaluate, and address potential safety risks and hazards within school facilities, including buildings, playgrounds, parking lots, and transportation systems.


WASD Facilities Safety Committee

Tyler Bush - Committee Director

Glenn Gaye, Jr., Director of Education

Robert Whistler - Facilities Director

Kimberly Moore, HS Principal

Jen Culp, Elementary Nurse

Jessica Shuster, MS Principal

Lori Zevorich, HS/MS Nurse

Charles Beckley, ES Principal

Melody Whitaker - ES Head Cook

Frank Tallyen, District Safety Coordinator

Vickie Brehm - Maintenance Employee

Pamela Gyurik, Executive Asst to Superintendent