Title IX » Title IX Process

Title IX Process

The Title IX process is designed to address reports of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and other forms of misconduct, in an efficient and fair manner. Our District is committed to ensuring a safe and respectful educational environment for all students and staff, and we take reports of Title IX violations seriously.

When a complaint is received, the school principal, or an appointed designee, serves as the investigator. It is important to note that the principal will not handle the investigation if he or she is the subject of the complaint. The investigator will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation, gathering relevant evidence and interviewing involved parties.

The Director of Education serves as the Title IX coordinator, overseeing the overall compliance and implementation of Title IX policies and procedures. The coordinator plays a vital role in ensuring a prompt and effective response to reports of sex discrimination. They work closely with the investigator, provide guidance, and ensure that all parties involved are treated with fairness and respect throughout the process.

Once the investigation is complete, the Superintendent assumes the role of the Decision Maker. The Superintendent carefully reviews the investigation findings, assesses the evidence, and makes a determination based on the preponderance of the evidence standard. The Decision Maker's role is to determine if a violation of Title IX has occurred and, if so, impose appropriate remedies and disciplinary actions.

In case any party involved in the process disagrees with the decision made by the Superintendent, the Business Manager serves as the Appeals Officer. The Appeals Officer reviews appeals filed by any of the parties, ensuring that they are handled impartially and in accordance with the established appeal process.

Throughout the Title IX process, confidentiality is maintained to the extent permitted by law, and all parties involved are provided with necessary support and accommodations. Our District is committed to addressing reports promptly, conducting fair investigations, and taking appropriate actions to prevent future incidents of sex discrimination.

For detailed information about the Title IX process specific to our District, please refer to our Title IX policies and procedures or by contacting the Director of Education, who serves as the Title IX coordinator.