Notice of PowerSchool Data Event

Windber Area School District is providing an update regarding a data event that affected school districts across the nation. The information involved in this event may include data related to current and former employees and students of the affected school districts.


As many of you are already aware, PowerSchool, a software vendor utilized by Windber recently experienced a cybersecurity incident involving unauthorized access to certain information in the PowerSchool Information System (SIS). Our leadership team has been working diligently to respond to this incident. As this did not occur on our network, this has involved working to gather information from PowerSchool. We are relying on PowerSchool for most of what we are able to learn about this incident. 


Windber does not store Social Security numbers in its PowerSchool SIS and therefore has no reason to believe that this type of data related to current or former employees or students of Windber was impacted in the event. While Windber has no reason to believe that Social Security numbers related to current or former employees and students were affected in the event, for the sake of open and transparent communication, it is important to us to share this update with everyone. The confidentiality, privacy, and security of information in our care are among our highest priorities. We expect the same of our vendors and will continue to press PowerSchool to share the appropriate information so that we may be able to sufficiently address any questions you may have. 


PowerSchool is providing two years of credit monitoring and identity protection services through Experian, at no cost to Windber employees and students. Should you elect to take advantage of these services, you can find enrollment instructions at the following Powerschool website link: Please note that the deadline to enroll in the complimentary credit monitoring and identity protection services is May 30, 2025.