Foster Care » Overview


Welcome to the Foster Care Rights for Students page of our district website, dedicated to supporting the educational rights and well-being of students in foster care. We recognize the unique challenges faced by students in foster care and are committed to ensuring that they have the necessary resources and support to thrive academically and emotionally.


Students in foster care have specific rights under state and federal laws to help protect their educational stability and provide them with equal access to educational opportunities. As a district, we are dedicated to upholding these rights and working collaboratively with foster care agencies, caregivers, and other stakeholders to ensure the best possible educational experience for our students in foster care.


On this page, you will find information about the educational rights of students in foster care, including:

  1. School Stability: Students in foster care have the right to remain enrolled in their school of origin, which is the school they were attending before entering foster care unless it is determined that it is not in their best interest. We are committed to working with caregivers and foster care agencies to facilitate school stability and minimize educational disruptions.

  2. Immediate Enrollment: Students in foster care have the right to immediate enrollment in a new school, even if they lack the required documents such as school records, immunization records, or proof of residency. We have procedures in place to ensure that students in foster care can enroll promptly and smoothly.

  3. Educational Records: Students in foster care have the right to access and receive their educational records, which include academic, attendance, and disciplinary information. We understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality while ensuring that students in foster care and their caregivers have access to these records.

  4. Educational Decision-Making: Students in foster care have the right to participate in educational decision-making, including the development of their Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and school-related activities. We value the input and perspective of students in foster care and strive to include them in the decision-making process.

Our district is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive environment for students in foster care. We have designated staff members who serve as points of contact and liaisons for students in foster care, ensuring that their needs are effectively addressed. These staff members collaborate with foster care agencies, caregivers, and other stakeholders to coordinate services and supports for students in foster care.


We encourage students in foster care, their caregivers, and foster care agencies to reach out to our designated points of contact for assistance, guidance, and advocacy. Together, we can work to ensure that every student in foster care receives the support and resources necessary to achieve their full potential academically and beyond.

On this page, you will also find additional resources and information related to foster care rights and support services. We are committed to the success and well-being of our students in foster care, and we are here to provide the necessary support every step of the way.