
For the Windber Area Scholarship Application, you will need to have Adobe Reader on your computer to view and fill out the forms. Save/Download the form first then fill it out and attach to email and send to the high school counseling department at [email protected] or print and turn in a copy to the counseling department. You can download Adobe Reader for free here. To get help with filling out forms with Adobe Reader, please click here.
Scholarship Scam Warning Signs
  • You have to pay a fee
  • Money-back offers or guarantees
  • Credit card or bank account information required
  • Provides "exclusive" information
Name of Scholarship Due Date Links & Notes

Trade School Scholarships

Ex:  Triangle Tech, YTI

Mercy Presidential Scholarship

Josh Moore Fulfilling Your Dreams Memorial Fund

On Going

Non Mandated community service or volunteerism is the main requirement.

Scholarship Opportunities through Penn Highlands Community College


The Emerging Leader and Presidential Scholarships help to reduce an already affordable tuition at Penn Highlands, possibly eliminating the need for student loans.  Students with a 3.0 cumulative GPA are encouraged to apply.  The application is short and quick, and the interview process is the same.   If you have further questions, please email [email protected].
(Please keep in mind that you don't need to be taking ACE classes to qualify for these scholarships.)
Lariat Future Innovators Foundation STEM Scholarship  
  • Be aged 18-24 pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering and math
  • Hail from a small town with a population of 25,000 or less
  • Have a family household income of $55,000 or less
  • Be a highly motivated individual with a track record of excelling in projects or winning science/math awards
  • Have strong performance in math and science (3.5 GPA or above, AP courses) for more details and the application
Youth Mental Health Leadership Award December 23, 2024
The award recognizes the passion and courage of young leaders who are committed to fighting the stigma of mental health conditions, providing a safe community for peers to share their own mental health experiences, and empowering peers through education.  To be eligible for the Youth Mental Health Leadership Award ($1,000 scholarship), the nominee must be between the ages of 13-21, reside in PA, and have parental permission to submit their essay.
Bud Lutty Scholarship December 31, 2024 Preliminary applications are now being accepted for the Bud Lutty Scholarship competition for the Fall 2025 through Spring 2026 school year.  A listing of the employers that contributed to the Fund is listed on the application.  Students who are either employees or dependents of employees of these employers are eligible to apply for this scholarship.  Go to Mrs. Birkhimer's Google Classroom for the application.
PIAA District 5 Athletic Directors Association Scholarship January 31, 2025
Minimum requirements:
  • Must be a senior
  • Must have at least a 3.0 GPA
  • Must have a verified post secondary education entrance test score:  SAT, ACT or other
  • Earned at least one(1) varsity letter in a PIAA recognized sport
Go to Mrs. Birkhimer's Google Classroom for an application.
Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania Scholarship February 1, 2025
The Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania awards scholarships to students who plan to further their education in Agriculture Education, Agronomy, Floriculture, Horticulture, Landscape Architecture, Botany, Biology (excluding Medical), Conservation, Environmental Concerns (Management:  Environmental Engineering, Conservation, etc., Forestry, Plant Pathology, City (Rural/Urban) Planning, Wildlife Science, Land Management, and/or allied subjects.  Applicants for all scholarships must be residents of PA and must be sponsored by a Federated Garden Club.  The college or university is of the recipient's choice.  Winners will be announced at the Annual GCFP State Meeting in April, 2025.
Go to Mrs. Birkhimer's Google Classroom for more details and an application.
William and Debrah Pettigrew Scholarship February 1, 2025
  • Student must have a cumulative high school 2.5 GPA or better
  • Submission of a merit essay describing academic and professional goals including why those goals were chosen and what has been done thus far to prepare to postsecondary education (300-900 words; 2-4 pages)
  • Express a clear intent to pursue a career in teaching
  • Student must be accepted for enrollment to a four-year institution for teacher preparation
Go to Mrs. Birkhimer's Google Classroom for more details.
Ross F. DiMarco Scholarship March 1, 2025 12:00 PM
Five scholarships are being offered to high school graduating seniors, residing within the boundaries of Lions District 14-M, which is comprised of Fayette, Greene, Somerset, and Washington Counties Pennsylvania.  One scholarship from each county will be awarded.  In addition, an additional scholarship will be awarded to one graduating senior at large from any of the four counties.  The five $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to seniors that exemplify characteristics espoused by Lions Clubs International: 
  • Creates and fosters a spirit of understanding among peoples of the world
  • Promotes the principles of good government and good citizenship
  • Takes an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and/or moral welfare of the school and community
  • Serves the school or community without personal financial reward
For more information, go to
Lions Young Ambassador of the 21st Century Award March 1, 2025
The award is open to students in grades 8-12 who reside in Fayette, Greene, Somerset, or Washington Counties.  Three (3) awards (1st - $500, 2nd - $300, and 3rd - $200) will be presented at the Youth Awards on April 5, 2025.  Applications must be received by March 1, 2025 to be eligible for consideration.
For more information, go to
The Authorities Future Leaders Schooarship March 15, 2025 Applicant must be a student enrolled in high school, technical school, undergraduate or graduate college or university OR an employee of a PMAA member municipal authority pursuing continuing education or credentialing/certification with less than two years employment in the industry. Scholarship(s) at a minimum of $1,000 and up to $3,000 each will be announced for recipient(s) by the end of April 2025.  Applications must be received by March 15, 2025.  Please see full details on eligibility and download an application on our website: