Student Assistance Program
SAP is….
a program that helps students overcome barriers to learning in order that they may achieve, remain in school, and advance. The Windber Area SAP team will help you find services and assistance within your school, and if needed, in the community. We do not diagnose, treat, or refer your child for treatment. We will provide you with information and you make the choice(s) that best fit your needs and wishes.
SAP is CONFIDENTIAL and NOT disciplinary.
If you know someone who is…..
Often sad or angry
dieting all the time
negatively affected by drugs and/or alcohol
…..then here is how you can help:
*Tell an adult ( teacher, counselor, staff member, parent or respected community member) to make the SAP referral.
*Encourage the student to make a self-referral
*Confidential referral forms are available in the library.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who finds out?
- A small group of specially trained and concerned teachers, counselors and community health professionals.
How do I know if my friend gets help?
- You won’t unless he/she tells you…’s confidential.
Do their parents find out?
- Yes, parents are part of the planning team for the student’s support. (Some information is still confidential.)
Will my friend know who referred them?
- No. It remains anonymous.
Will my friend get into trouble?
- No. SAP is there to help.
Does SAP really help?
- SAP starts the helping process.
How much does this cost?
- Nothing………………….it’s free.